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Janssen’s Iron Hematoxylin

Janssen's Iron Hematoxylin



Hematoxylin1 gDye
Ferric ammonium sulfate5 gMordant
100% ethanol5 mLSolvent
Distilled water70 mLSolvent
Glycerol15 mLSolvent
Methanol15 mLSolvent

Compounding Procedure

Gray Method

  1. Dissolve the iron alum into the water.
  2. Dissolve the hematoxylin into the ethanol.
  3. Combine, and leave for one week at room temperature.
  4. Filter, and then add the other ingredients.

Lillie Method

  1. Combines all solutions immediately once they are dissolved, and omits the week at room temperature.
  2. The solution is stable for a few months.


  1. Bring sections to water with xylene and ethanol.
  2. Place into the staining solution for 15-30 minutes.
  3. Rinse with tap water.
  4. Dip briefly in 1% hydrochloric acid in 70% ethanol.
  5. Wash well in running tap water to blue.
  6. Rinse with distilled water.
  7. Counterstain if desired.
  8. Dehydrate with ethanol, clear with xylene and mount with a resinous medium.

Expected Results

  • Nuclei  –  black
  • Background  –  as counterstain or unstained


  • This solution may be used as an acid resistant nuclear stain.
  • It is recommended as a substitute for Weigert’s iron hematoxylin.

Safety Note

Prior to handling any chemical, consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for proper handling and safety precautions.


  1. Gray, Peter. (1954)
    The Microtomist’s Formulary and Guide.
    Originally published by: The Blakiston Co.
    Republished by: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co.
    Janssen, (1897),
    Cellule, v.14, p.207.
    Lillie & Earle, (1939),
    Stain Technology, v.14, p.53