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Foot’s Impregnation for Reticulin

Foot's Impregnation

for Reticulin



MaterialVariation IVariation IIVariation IIIVariation IV
Lugol’s iodine++++
Sodium thiosulphate, 1% aqu.++++
Sodium thiosulphate, 5% aqu.++++
Potassium permanganate, 0.25% aqu.++++
Oxalic acid, 5% aqu.++++
Strong ammonium hydroxide (s.g. 0.88)++++
Ammonium hydroxide, 0.1% aqu+
Foot’s tannin sol.+
Silver nitrate, aqu.2% & 10%1% & 10%10%10%
Formalin, aqu.5%20%20%1%
Yellow gold chloride, aqu.1%0.2%0.2%
Foot’s gold sublimate+
Alkali, aqu.NaOH 40%KOH 40%LiC03 sat.Na2CO3
Weigert’s 1903 iron hematoxylin+
Harris alum hematoxylin+
van Gieson’s picro-fuchsin++
Neutral red, 1% aqu.+

Lugol’s Iodine (see note)

Potassium iodide4g
Distilled Water100mL

Mix the iodine and potassium iodide in a 200 mL flask. Add 10 mL of the water. When the iodine has dissolved make up to 100 mL with distilled water.

Foot’s gold sublimate

Yellow gold chloride0.2g
Mercuric chloride0.5g
Distilled Water100mL

Foot’s tannin solution

Tannic acid0.15g
Ammonium bromide3.5g
Strong formalin5mL
Distilled Water100mL

Preparation of Foot’s Ammoniacal Silver

Variation I

  1. Place 25 mL of 10% silver nitrate in a flask.
  2. Add 1 mL of 40% sodium hydroxide.
  3. Add ammonium hydroxide by drops until the precipitate is almost dissolved.
  4. Dilute to 100 mL with distilled water.

Variation II

  1. Place 10 mL of 1% silver nitrate in a flask.
  2. Add 0.1 mL of 40% potassium hydroxide.
  3. Add ammonium hydroxide by drops until the precipitate is almost dissolved.
  4. Dilute to 100 mL with distilled water.

Variation III

  1. Place 10 mL of 10% silver nitrate in a flask.
  2. Add 10 mL of saturated aqueous lithium carbonate.
  3. Let the precipitate settle, then decant the supernatent.
  4. Wash, allow to settle, and decant several times.
  5. Add 25 mL distilled water to the precipitate.
  6. Add ammonium hydroxide by drops until the precipitate is almost dissolved.
  7. Dilute to 100 mL with distilled water and filter.

Variation IV

  1. Place 10 mL of 10% silver nitrate in a flask.
  2. Add 40 mL of aqueous sodium carbonate (see note for concentration).
  3. Let the precipitate settle, then decant the supernatent.
  4. Wash, allow to settle and decant several times.
  5. Add ammonium hydroxide by drops until the precipitate is almost dissolved.

Tissue Sample

5 µ paraffin sections of Zenker fixed tissue are suitable. Other fixatives may be satisfactory. Carleton & Leach say that Var IV is suitable for 10% formalin, Zenker, Bouin or Helly fixed tissue. In all cases a section adhesive is recommended.


StepVariation IVariation IIVariation IIIVariation IV
1Bring sections to water via xylene and ethanol (all variations).
2Place in Lugol’s iodine.5 min5 min5 min5 min
3Bleach in 1% sodium thiosulphate.30 sec30 sec30 sec30 sec
4Oxidise in 0.25% potassium permanganate.5 min5 min5 min5 min
5Bleach with 5% oxalic acid.10 min10 min10 min10 min
6Wash well with tap water.5 min5 min5 min5 min
7Rinse with distilled water.5 sec5 sec5 sec5 sec
8Place in 2% silver nitrate.48 hrs
Place in Foot’s tannin solution at 37°C.15 min
Place in 0.1% ammonium hydroxide.30 sec
9Rinse with distilled water.5 sec5 sec
10Place in Foot’s ammoniacal silver solution (Variation I).30 min
Place in Foot’s ammoniacal silver solution (Variation II), 2 changes, each for:5 min
Place in Foot’s ammoniacal silver solution (Variation III) at 45°C.15 min
Place in Foot’s ammoniacal silver solution (Variation IV) at 45°C.15 min
11Rinse with distilled water.5 sec5 sec5 sec
12Reduce with 10% formalin.30 min
Reduce with 20% formalin.3 min2 min
Flood with 1% formalin twice.10 sec
13Rinse with distilled water.5 sec
Wash off with tap water.5 sec
14Tone with 1% yellow gold chloride.1 hr
Tone with Foot’s gold sublimate.3 min
Tone with 0.2% yellow gold chloride.2 min2 min
15Wash with distilled water.1 min1 min
Wash with tap water.2 min
16Place in 5% sodium thiosulphate.3 min2 min2 min
17Wash with tap water.5 min5 min5 min5 min
18Place in Weigert’s iron hematoxylin.1 min
Place in Harris’ alum hematoxylin.3 min
Place in neutral red.1 min
19Wash with tap wate.5 min5 min5 min1 min
20Place in van Gieson’s picro-fuchsin.30 sec45 sec
22Dehydrate with ethanol, clear with xylene and mount in a resinous medium (all variations).

Expected Results

  • Reticulin fibres  –  black
  • Nuclei  –  as counterstained
  • Background  –  grey


  • Ensure that the ammonium hydroxide is fresh and full strength. Keep well stoppered when not in use. After removing the amount required, immediately restopper the bottle.
  • Improperly made ammoniacal silver solutions can affect the quality of the impregnation. There should be a faint, persistent opalescence, with only a faint smell of ammonia.
  • The formula for Lugol’s iodine may be an error. The amounts may have been reversed,
    i.e. It may be 4 g iodine and 6 g potassium iodide. Please refer to the page for
    Lugol’s iodine and compare Gray and Lee. The details for these methods are from Gray.
  • The instructions for ammoniacal silver solution Var IV says to add 40 mL of sodium carbonate to the silver nitrate solution. The sodium carbonate should be made as a 5% solution of the anhydrous salt or as an 11% solution of the dodecahydrate (12H2O).
  • 1%, 10% and 20% formalin solutions are made by diluting strong formalin appropriately with water, i.e.:
    • 1% is 1 mL strong formalin plus 99 mL water,
    • 10% is 10 mL strong formalin plus 90 mL water, and
    • 20% is 20 mL strong formalin plus 80 mL water.

Safety Note

Prior to handling any chemical, consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for proper handling and safety precautions.


  1. Gray, Peter. (1954), (for Var I, II & III)
    The Microtomist’s Formulary and Guide.
    Originally published by: The Blakiston Co.
    Republished by: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co.
  2. Carleton, H M, and Leach, E H, (1938), (for Var IV)
    Histological technique., Ed. 2.
    Oxford University Press, London, England.