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Rose Bengal

Rose Bengal

Class: Fluorone
Ionisation: Acid

Chemical structure of Rose Bengal

Common Name: Rose bengal
Suggested Name: Rose bengal
Other Names:

C.I. Number: 45440
C.I. Name: Acid red 94
Color: Red
Solubility Aqueous: 36%
Solubility Ethanol: 36%
Absorption Maximum: 544-548 (Conn) 548-549 (Aldrich) 544 (Gurr)
Empirical Formula: C20H2O5I4Cl4Na2
Formula Weight: 1017.7


Rose bengal has been used to replace Eosin Y ws in the H&E stain for photomicrography as early colour film recorded eosin Y poorly. It is now rarely used.

Compare the structural formula of some eosin homologues.


  1. R. D. Lillie.
    Conn’s Biological Stains
    Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., U.S.A.
  2. Edward Gurr, 1971
    Synthetic dyes in biology, medicine and chemistry
    Academic Press, London, England.
  3. Aldrich chemical catalogue, 1992
    Aldrich Chemical Company, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
  4. Susan Budavari, Editor,
    The Merck Index, Ed. 12
    Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA