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Ethyl Eosin

Ethyl Eosin

Class: Fluorone
Ionisation: Acid

Chemical structure of Ethyl Eosin

Common Name: Ethyl eosin
Suggested Name: Ethyl eosin
Other Names:

Alcohol soluble eosin
Spirit soluble eosin

C.I. Number: 45386
C.I. Name: Solvent red 45
Color: Red
Solubility Aqueous: 0.03%
Solubility Ethanol: 0.03%
Absorption Maximum: 524-527 (Conn) 532 (Aldrich, Gurr)
Empirical Formula: C22H11O5Br4Na
Formula Weight: 698 (Conn) 714 (Aldrich, Gurr)


Ethyl eosin may be used instead of Eosin Y ws to counterstain alum hematoxylin in the Hematoxylin and Eosin method. Ensure this compound is identified correctly when "alcohol soluble eosin" is required, as Eosin Y ws is, itself, alcohol soluble, and eosinol Y is also known as eosin, spirit soluble.

Compare the structural formula of some eosin homologs.


  1. R. D. Lillie.
    Conn’s Biological Stains
    Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., U.S.A.
  2. Aldrich chemical catalogue, 1992
    Aldrich Chemical Company, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
  3. Edward Gurr, 1971
    Synthetic dyes in biology, medicine and chemistry
    Academic Press, London, England.