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Class: Azo
Ionisation: Acid

Chemical structure of Azo-eosin

Common Name: Azo-eosin
Suggested Name: Azo-eosin
Other Names:

Azoeosin G

C.I. Number: 14710
C.I. Name: Acid red 4
Color: Red
Solubility Aqueous: Moderate
Solubility Ethanol: Moderate
Absorption Maximum: 509 (Gurr) 508, 376 (Aldrich)
Empirical Formula: C17H13N2O5SNa
Formula Weight: 380.36


This dye has been used in histology only rarely. Lendrum, Slidders, and Fraser recommended it for their standardized trichrome method, considering it to be a suitable plasma stain after silver impregnations.

It should be noted that it is not related to eosin, although it is an azo dye. The name presumably reflects a similarity in color.


  1. Aldrich chemical catalogue, 1992
    Aldrich Chemical Company, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
  2. Edward Gurr, 1971
    Synthetic dyes in biology, medicine and chemistry
    Academic Press, London, England.